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Spam bots breaking through reCaptcha plugin

Ok once I had problems with spam bots commenting my posts with ads and links but I installed the reCaptcha plugin for wordpress and forgot about it. However these days I have problems again. This is one particular IP that is able to break through the validation! The IP is and I really would suggest to you to add it to your ban list. I will do it for sure! Today I had like 50 comments on a post, all got in approved !

My first blog post in WordPress. Really!

OK. I installed WordPress and this is my first post. Cool. But what to write now? The first thing that comes to my mind is WordPress and my first impressions.

I have to admit here – WordPress is magnificient tool incorporating the work of so many developers. But here is the catch – you cannot trust them all. A lot of plugins. You choose one, download, install and activate. Cool! Until some f**cked plugin you decided to try out messes all you have done upto the moment. So what do you do ? Test it on localhost of course.

Developing on localhost is the preferred way of work for most of the programmers including me. But guess what happened when I tried to go live – Read more