Archive for the ‘


’ Category

Embedding YouTube videos in the Prado’s THtmlArea

I had problem in Prado’s THtmlArea with embedding videos not only from YouTube but also from other alternatives. It seems that THtmlArea is coded so that there is no way of allowing just object and embed tags. However you can use Text property and everything is fine. But when you want to use the SafeText property you are in a trouble with embeded videos. So what I did was to extend the THtmlArea component and created my own that goes beyond that limitation. Here it is:
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Redirecting WordPress category feeds containing non-latin characters to Feedburner

Today I was playing with my feeds. I wanted to redirect the category feeds to feedburner. I couldn’t find any plugin that can do the job well because a have a lot of categories and had to create manually a feed in feedburner for each of them. The main problem is that I have multilingual content and my categories have slugs in Bulgarian. Upto now I had feedburner feeds just for the whole content on the blog in Bulgarian and English. I am using .htaccess that redirects my feeds to feedburner like this:
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Integrating phpbb in a website based on CodeIgniter

I have noticed that at the community forums of CodeIgniter there are a lot of questions on integrating phpbb in a code ignited web site. However there is one library posted in the forums – here,  but it didn’t fulfill my needs. Actually the only thing that was usefull for me is the login part, e.g. the constructor. It is pretty much the same so here I should thank Tomaž Muraus for that lead. My additions to it are the rest usefull functions. So I gave it a try and created a very simple library for CodeIgniter that manages remote login, remote user add, remote user edit (password change) and remote user delete. I will post it here and will cut it a little because the current state has some additional programming related to the project I did it for.
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Problems with Prado’s client side onclick event of a TLinkButton

Some time ago  I expirienced a strange and difficult to solve problem using the Prado framework. For those that are not aware this is a PHP framework which is ASP.NET alike – it simulates the workflow process of

So here is the problem: I had a long form full of controls and validators, but for one of the fields I needed to make  a javascript call to the confirm function. The reason was that we needed to ask the user if he/she wants to go ahead and leave a field blank or no. Ok that is fine but when having other fields and validators for them the confirm function should be called after all of them are validated ok on the client side. The onclick javascript event is called before the validation. That’s the problem. How did I solve it? Well  don’t like the solution but it seems to be the only one that I could figure out. Here it is:

  • I put this on the top of tha page as javascript code:

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My first blog post in WordPress. Really!

OK. I installed WordPress and this is my first post. Cool. But what to write now? The first thing that comes to my mind is WordPress and my first impressions.

I have to admit here – WordPress is magnificient tool incorporating the work of so many developers. But here is the catch – you cannot trust them all. A lot of plugins. You choose one, download, install and activate. Cool! Until some f**cked plugin you decided to try out messes all you have done upto the moment. So what do you do ? Test it on localhost of course.

Developing on localhost is the preferred way of work for most of the programmers including me. But guess what happened when I tried to go live – Read more