Archive for the ‘


’ Category

Spam bots breaking through reCaptcha plugin

Ok once I had problems with spam bots commenting my posts with ads and links but I installed the reCaptcha plugin for wordpress and forgot about it. However these days I have problems again. This is one particular IP that is able to break through the validation! The IP is and I really would suggest to you to add it to your ban list. I will do it for sure! Today I had like 50 comments on a post, all got in approved !

CodeIgniter and IntelliSense in Eclipse PDT

For those that are not aware, IntelliSense is a feature of the Eclipse IDE, which allows us to quickly inspect the properties of an instantiated object of some type, function parameters, auto-completion, short description, if available and so on. This is incredibly handy when developing applications, no matter the programming language. When developing with CodeIgniter, due to the style the framework is written, the IntelliSense is not working.
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CodeIgniter’s language management – improvement

Have you ever been annoyed by using the CodeIgniter’s language/localization functionality? I have been pissed by constantly repeating:

echo $this->lang->line('sample_label');

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Prado and loading modules at runtime

Today I had big problems trying to load modules in Prado from the TPage, not using the application.xml. I had such a requirement for the globalization utility in our web application. So after hours of pain finaly I found the magic lines of code that allow this to happen. I am surprised that there was no entry in the documentation or in the forums :( .

Here is the code:
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Flash Player 10.1 and wmode bug

A few months ago when Adobe released the beta version of 10.1 flash player I was very happy to see my application working ok with wmode set to opaque. The text inputs were working absolutely fine with just a small problem – if you try selecting characters with the keyboard with shift and arrows or just moving cursor with arrow keys it was selecting/moving two characters as one. This was a little annoying for me and  I thought they will fix that too. As now the official release is out for about a month and more this problem still exists – yes you can enter non-latin characters but this annoying problem is still there. I am talking about using FireFox and as you know this is totally ok with IE ( for my surprise – I didn’t know that until these days). Something else – the wmode bug still exists in Google Chrome !! It is fixed in FF partially, but the situation in Google Chrome is the same as with the former version.

Managing fiscal printer from Datecs by browser

I would like to share my experience wth a task I had to do for a project at work. The project is a web application billing software. So it needed to be able to print fiscal notes, bons or whatever. There were several ways of dealing with this stuff – creating a XPCOMM extension for FireFox, using activeX control (supporting just IE) and the java applet way. I examined Read more

First steps in flashlite development

Recently I started getting to know better the flashlite development. I played around with some examples and got really inspired of what I possible could do. So the first two things I looked at were:
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Say no to bot spammers

I had hard times with all those spam bots the come and post comments on your posts, advertising stuff you do not want. Ok, initially I started to fight them by trashing the comments and adding their ip addresses in my ban list using a htaccess file like this:
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Managing multiple application folders with one index.php

There was a question in the CodeIgniter forums about management of multiple
application folders using just one index.php. I was interested in that so
got deeper in the problem and tried to resolve that. I found a solution and
this was mode_rewrite. Actually I applied a technique that I have never used
before – setting environment variables using htaccess and mod_rewrite. Here
is what exactly I did:
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Multilingual CMS plugin and GetRecentComments plugin for WordPress

In my WordPress installation I have the Multilingual WordPress by WPML plugin and the GetRecentComments plugin which for my pity are not working right together. The comments plugin shows entries in both languages. So to overcome this, because I want exactly these plugins, I had to modify the get recent comments. I will show you how I did it. But however you can set any other logic there – I have just two languages, so I did it the simplest working way for me. Here it is.

After line 1133 in get-recent-comments.php modify the code as following:
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