Spam bots breaking through reCaptcha plugin

Ok once I had problems with spam bots commenting my posts with ads and links but I installed the reCaptcha plugin for wordpress and forgot about it. However these days I have problems again. This is one particular IP that is able to break through the validation! The IP is and I really would suggest to you to add it to your ban list. I will do it for sure! Today I had like 50 comments on a post, all got in approved !

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  1. I also have a lot of spam from this IP. If You want block spam from this IP, You can add this lines to configuration of virtualhost (if You are using apache2 ofcourse):

    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from

    • Actually that is what I normally do :) The other option is adding it in the Comment Blacklist in admin section of WordPress. The problem here is that reCaptcha seems to be breakable by some bots

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