CodeIgniter’s language management – improvement

Have you ever been annoyed by using the CodeIgniter’s language/localization functionality? I have been pissed by constantly repeating:

echo $this->lang->line('sample_label');

So today I found a forum thread in CodeIgniter forums asking about using the language functionality and a shortcut to that language variables. That made me think of some kind of simplification of the code that we all use. So what I did was just small improvement in the Loader class – specifically the view function. I created  MY_Loader file in libraries folder and put simply these contents:

class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader
 * Load View
 * This function is used to load a "view" file.  It has three parameters:
 * 1. The name of the "view" file to be included.
 * 2. An associative array of data to be extracted for use in the view.
 * 3. TRUE/FALSE - whether to return the data or load it.  In
 * some cases it's advantageous to be able to return data so that
 * a developer can process it in some way.
 * @access    public
 * @param    string
 * @param    array
 * @param    bool
 * @return    void
 function view($view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE)
     $vars = $this->_ci_object_to_array($vars);
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $vars['lang'] = &$CI->lang->language;
     return $this->_ci_load(array('_ci_view' => $view, '_ci_vars' => $this->_ci_object_to_array($vars),
     '_ci_return' => $return));

This way I could just use the $lang array in the view like this:


Sorry for messing this … I found out that in the lang helper
of CodeIgniter there is a magic function I have never been aware of -> lang(‘language key’)

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    • BuKToP
    • August 9th, 2010 5:10pm

    Nice, but will it work if I am using the parser class? Maybe not, as I am not using $this->view in my controllers. Btw, I saw your posts in the CI forums :]

    • Nice catch BuKToP ! I have never used the parser – I think it could have a little bad effect on performance so I try to stay away from such stuff. But actually soon I was thinking on getting more aware of it and start using it. As I see the parser class – it actually makes $CI->load->view call – so I can suppose that it will be fine using it with the parser.

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