MTel month taxes issues

Today I paid my mobile phone bills and I was surprised with a slightly bigger amount that what I was expecting. So that I tried to find out what is happening. My provider is MTel. So I noticed that my motnhly tax for the service MTel Comfort 500 is 26.50 BGN but it should be 15.90 BGN or something like that. It is no big deal but the question is why … So I called the operator and they explained to me that this was because the previous month the tax wasn’t included. Why? Because the mobile phone has been prevented from working because of unpaid bills. What an explanation I would say. I looked at my previous bill – they were right! WTF ? They can’t add the tax to the bill when the phone is blocked. I simply cannot believe this.

Месечна такса М-Тел Комфорт - 26.50

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